Tree project [update, 2022]


- report and update information -

Shop and Plant tree, Luxembourg

If you would like to know what’s the project about or the purpose, we invite your toΒ >>>read about the project here<<<

eco friendly online shop

Reforestation project

We started this project since January 2021

However, this project couldn’t get begin (yet) as it was planned just like many of our other projects. But we didn’t give up and we are still following the dream.

Here are two reasons why we couldn’t start the project by now.

1: Due to covid traveling restrictions we couldn’t travel to build the team and meet our volunteers who applied to participate in planting project. We hoped every month the situation get better and we launch many of our project that was planned but as you also know the traveling conditions just got more restricted.

2: We couldn’t achieve our financial goal YET.

The project progress report


Overall progress

Eco-friendly online shop
What's plan now?

We have two choices. One easy option could be giving the budget to one of those organizations already planting trees. There are few organizations in the world which even give certification for the trees planted by them. We can choose the country and even type of trees if choosing them.

The other option is doing it on our own by building a team and using the budget for planting and protection of trees.Β We prefer the second option and since beginning our goal was to do it ourself. We have reasons we choose to do it on our own.Β Here is a list of our reasons:

  1. Our goal is reforestation and we couldn’t find an organization who shares the same concern and offering reasonable fee to meet our expectations.
  2. We don’t trust enough any of the organization we analyzed after having many interviews with almost every well-known organization.
  3. None of the organization we contacted could guarantee the lifetime of trees. We don’t know what happens after 20 years to those trees. Whether they are going to be cut by landlord after becoming mature or if they can continue a natural life as wild trees. We don’t want to invest on wood factories.
  4. We can build job and make sure the funding is distributed to local tree keepers who will take care of our forest.
  5. None of the organizations could offer planting forest fruits for our budget.

So all these reasons made us to decide pursuing the project on our own.

We trust in our timing and therefore we are looking forward to summer 2022 for starting the project. Hopefully, it will be the right time for meeting the team and planning the next steps together.


Current state:

So far, we achieved more than 50 % of budget needed for the start of project by your supports and we are closer than ever before to our dream. You can help the progress of project by telling others about us and inviting them to purchase from us.

Moreover, we tried reaching many local approaches to planting tree in Luxembourg and although we have received good feedbacks from many and some promised to help us find space to plant the trees, but we didn’t find any place yet and nobody helped us except our customers who supporting the project every week by purchasing from our marketplace.

We contacted several municipalities in Luxembourg, some didn’t even reply to our messages and some just promised to help.

We are still seeking space to plant few trees in Luxembourg, help us achieve the dream.

Based on the reports above, we will start our project in 2022, hopefully from summer or worst case in autumn 2022. Stay tuned for further updates.

The formula is still same! You shop and we plant tree. Farming jungle to fight deforestation and promote protection of nature by reforestation and raising awareness.

We are very serious working hard to achieve our goals. Thank you for supporting us.

Stay tuned for our next update, very soon in summer 2022.

Best wishes,

Happy Local Crew

Author: Sam